
Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Dedication to the Coral--- Thank you for all that you do!

To Cache in the seas,
with a Cadence in Calm,
with a Godly Capacity,
they Capitulate more beauty,
Captivating their creatures with Captivating homes,

Even a Cardinal to fly over and enjoy,
in Careful loving caress,
very Casual how easy!
They Catch and Cater to the ocean and all of its splendor,
Celebrating life!

With Celerity that only God knows and humans can attempt to understand! :)
Celibate-- they are not-- they are lovers among the Creatures and the seas.

Mediterranean, Persian, Caspian, Caribbean, Adriatic, Red, Arabian, South Chinese, Black, North, Bering, Baltic, Aegean, Java. Timor, Sulu, Celebes, Andaman, Andaman, Ionian, Sargasso, Beaufort, Barents, White, Tyrrehian, Amendsen, Irish, Arafura, Bellingshausen, Azov, Greenland Sea, Phillipine, Coral, Laptev, East Siberian, Chuckchi, Savu, Norwegian, Tasman, YEllow, Kara, East China, Ross, Weddll, Bohoi, Salton, Sibuyan, Visayan, Argentine, Labrador, Celtic, Bismarck!

Centered in the most glorious and splendid places on earth,
Center on earth among the good lands,
Central to our perfect health,
Certain of their ability,
Certainty in divinity,
Certitude in the one above--- The prince!
A Champion of the sea--- the Coral that knows greed!
A chance to be a changing flower--- as they nibble and stow and beautify for hours!
Among Channels with positive direction,
Chaperoning God's creatures
Characteristic of Lord God
and Charitable to the donation of the cell and ribosome a animal in their own rite!
Charity as a home to seek
Charming in vibrant colour
and Chaste to even shrimp.
Cheek for the true believer
and a Cheer for scubadiver!
Cheerful in the holiday
and Chic when imported,
Chimerical you might say--- for more wonderful garnishes of such a flower,
Chivalrous like its above
Christened in the floor of this planet
and church with floating heavenly antics
Circadian delight is she,
Circling the vessitude and abundant seas,
Citadel as a home,
Surely the Clandestine horse's tones!
Clean and Clear as the Anacomidia and Tomia sexes,
and Clemency for the big fat freaks,
Clever is she and climaxing with the Climate,
Climbing with newly gifted cloaks!
Close to Clothing the pollutant folks.
Clutching the muscle of the packaged this-n-that as a coalition of Coastline scat,
But she Coasts anyway,
Coetaneous and keeps up with the best,
Coevalling romantic and sensual Cognating!

A Coral's Coruscating Courage-- ANATOMIA

From the gleam of the Ocean's amazing biology and the belief of it's loving creatures is a most supreme and awe-inspiring concept.  The idea of a coral so golden that it loves to crunch up and solve the dilemma of ocean porridge... The coral is so great at what it does and the colors immensely emanating from it and creating beautifully edible foods and wonderful homes for the creatures.

A large quantity in the significant seas. The miracle of the coral is something to be only in awe.

They pillage the seas with sharp and correcting movements even creating great vibes-- showing off their metallic sometimes. In a concentration of abundant light.

Praise be to Our Wonder Above, for making this Earth and the Heavens above.

Psalm 46 + 47

Our God is our Strength, we shall not worry

Our God loves us, we shall have courage