
Monday, July 1, 2019

Correlation of Light Interplay and the Human Intelligence Quotient

In remedial discourse, after a long repenting of sins (For we would give Christ a bad name, if we had nothing to be cleansed of), and either jotting them down and dealing with them in pure spirit, either mindfully, or throughout the day--- we can set up mnemonics in a more SOUND Fashion.

It says in 1 Corinthians Him, Whoeth Given the Cure of a Sound Mind--- so this is pushing memory capacities. If we can charge up the FITS anatomical spelt notion, we too can arrend the diffculty of losing our concentration or process within, and externally. It is important to become more and more secure as we age and be more in myriad with HOW and WHY we Speak out of Truth.  This is like glue or a golden spritz to the memory--- to keep the oils working smoothly and our memory for God's Righteous Judgment always in a Prepared Mode, mood, and modality. Letting Him Omnniscently operate Through us in One Whole (Either long or short) Intentional Moment, where we are Always Open and Receiving.

When we have an idea of maybe what occured during a kaf with our CONSCIENCE and DOING RIGHT v. WRONG we can let it go through a process of dealing. We must at once turn away from this sin and think of it no longer...

Some of us tend to lament about things spoken, and often when this arises--- it means we were valuing that relationship and may not have energetically given enough to that person.

It is good to find LIGHT Auric values between frienships and potential friendships... "Nothing between us." "Your aura is very vibrant." Or even a deep and abiding connection where we can POUR-ON Affirmations directly from every POSITITVE Influence. Performing Miracles, and expereiencing both Light Magic, and Abundance. For Christ Gives to us Abundantly--- ""'The Great Provider in Heav'n.'""

Giving becomes no longer a chore, and instead helps us to gain loyalty and reputation with the Almighty One.

If one, can for example perform or elicit miracles simply by walking down the street and being who they were BUILT to Be. THIS is more "felicitate," and profound, having an immediate positive influence, and this in having a direct level of touch and light-play with the thought process and prospective potential of the other Person or People.

Remember we are Made in His Likeness and Image--- and he has no darkness at all.

#EverImproving #EvolutionaryGrace #NonDuality

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